Sunday 16 June 2013


See that? Me and skysongs old blog banner? Its on I made it ages ago >_<
And see that? BeJelofMyHat on her bio? BeJelOfMyHat is the tab name when you go on my old blog -.-
Look. Proof shes copying me. She just changed it.
Copycat much? Get your own style and your own life.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Shoutouts :3

xxx too cute xxx
!!! tina !!!

All the people above will get an auto from me ^-^ Most reasons are for autos/watching my movies- just being a good friend in general :3 I will add more people if I can <3

Kermit x

Whos the bully now?

See it there? I know exactly who you are but I'm nice enough to block out the name. If you're reading this, you know who you are, how sad? I mean seriously, sending me hate on a back up? Wheres all the 'true friends' you told me about? Hmm...

Friday 14 June 2013


If you were expecting a post about you here then you're wrong. I'm not that silly, immature person I used to be. I realised it was wasting time and it was so low lifed and sad. Don't be paranoid, sweetie. All I'm saying is I used to be like that but now? Nooo. Just sad. Espicially if you came on a back-up, just to see get the blog link and check if I posted a post about you. Nah.

So you know who you are :) The point of this post is to ONE pariticular person. If you know you're not this person who came on my blog looking for a post about them, don't worry. I'm sure you're my friend.


Wednesday 12 June 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

The memories.

hehe this post is just old pics of me and friends on msp or other random stuff

The weird times

The racist twats times

The ily white times
 The kick me while you can times
The big headed times

The drawing times

The kwl times
The i-accidentally-added-this-pic times
The annoying times

The Cat times
The ow times

The omg times

The overload times
The omg-everyones-on-their-phone times
The i-spend-ages-on-that-banner-but-it-didnt-save times
the where-the-hell-is-your-head times

the where-the-hell-is-your-head times no.2
the omg-jessy-tysm times
the im-just-a-noob times (if it wont zoom it says 'luv you kermit'

the waa-wheres-my-sxc-face gone (jks) times
Last but not least....
the you-were-my-first-true-friend-teddy times. Miss you teddy D':